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Cockermouth Art Galleries

Our beautiful Galleries

It’s well worth a visit to any of our fine art galleries while you’re exploring the town. Castlegate House Gallery in Cockermouth specialise in the best of twentieth century and contemporary British art. Percy House Gallery hosts a large selection of work by Cumbrian and British artists ranging from jewellery and textiles to ceramics, paintings and photographs.

One of the leading commercial art galleries in the UK, specialising in 20th century and contemporary British art

Including the likes of Grayson Perry, David Hockney and Jenny Saville. We also seek out and exhibit new and exciting art talent, often immediately out of art school graduation.

Castlegate House
CA13 9HA
Tel. 01900 822149
Large selection of unique hand made art, crafts and gifts displayed in Cockermouth’s oldest town house

Seven rooms of Contempory Art & Design in Cockermouth’s oldest town House dated 1390. Unique features include original plaster ceiling and Percy Coat of Arms.

38 – 42 Market Place
CA13 9NG
Tel. 01900 829667

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